Benefits include:
- Year-round Name Recognition on the PBOR Website as a Silver Partner
- Ability to provide a one-minute spotlight video which will be promoted four times per year
Recognition at the following events:
(Kindly RSVP with attendees' names prior to each event)
Seasonal Fundraiser
- Logo/Name on signage at the event (when applicable)
- Logo/Name on event page with hyperlink
- Logo/Name on email invitation with a hyperlink
High Achievers
- Verbal recognition at the event by the Chairman/President
- Logo/Name on event page with hyperlink
- Logo/Name on email invitation with a hyperlink
- Logo/Name on event Program
Holiday Gala
- Verbal recognition at the event by the Chairman/President
- Logo/Name on event page with hyperlink
- Logo/Name on email invitation with a hyperlink
- Logo/Name on event Program
Membership Meeting (Approximately 6 Meetings Annually)
- Verbal recognition at the event by the Chairman/President
- Name on event page
- Name on email invitation
- Ability to provide marketing and promotional materials
- Name on event Program